the Ode to Irene
Looking back at my last post, where have the days (weeks, months) gone? In this world of immediacy, I’m rather slow and I’m ok with that. I have difficulty engaging at times, yes I know I should be posting something on some digital platform somewhere, but finding the balance of being engaged with the outside world while being present with your “at home” world can be difficult and so I tend to choose my default, being present with my kids.
But my absence from “here” doesn’t mean I’ve been in hibernation. My hands have been busy. I’ve wanted to post the new designs I’ve been working on, but the weather here isn’t as generous in light and temperature as Southern California. Trying to get good photographs of the finished pieces can be a challenge (that and a cheap selfie stick!), though I did manage to shoot a couple of them (with more to come!)
My latest sweater pattern, the “Ode to Irene” can be found here…
while my latest free pattern, the “Santi Cowl” is here as a pdf to download.
On the last note (for now), even though I’ve been absent it doesn’t mean I’m not appreciative of when people take the time to subscribe to this site. As someone who works primarily alone, it’s inspiring for me to see that you actually want to know what it is I’m working on; so “thank you” for signing up and for your interest in my work.